Embrace Presentation Createology | SFR.U 📺 spiced advice stoned fruit roll.up top10

The ROI of DIY? Ask Jody Wissing. 

Do you have something to say, and axe to grind or a soapbox to stand on? Do you want to change the world, do things a better way, or start something new? Do you need to align hearts and minds with mission and values? Do it with a presentation.

Jody Wissing...

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Doggedly Effective | SFR.U 📺 spiced advice stoned fruit roll.up top10

Or, the Anatomy of a YouTube Channel.

Have you ever wished that you had a tour guide to walk you slowly through the bones of a YouTube channel? ‍ It me. I am that. Join me + Zack Bordeaux from DozerDog Designs as he patiently shows me every nook and cranny of the Stoned Fruit YouTube channel,...

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Business in the Raw LIVE! | SRF.U 📺 business in the raw stoned fruit roll.up top10

Join us on one person’s journey to discover an authentic personal brand.

Pull back the curtain on the internet’s safest co-creation space in intimate conversation and “entrepre-therapy” with some of the most maverick minds in the business arena today—building a bold...

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